Sally’s Blog: Special Scissors for Mail Bags
The Making of The Mail Bag Up until about 15 years ago, the Post Office bought up to 55,000 pairs … Sally’s Blog: Special Scissors for Mail Bags
The Making of The Mail Bag Up until about 15 years ago, the Post Office bought up to 55,000 pairs … Sally’s Blog: Special Scissors for Mail Bags
This painting of The Tailor by Giovanni Battista Moroni, was painted between 1565 and 1570. Of interest to us, apart … Sally’s Blog: ‘The Tailor’ by Moroni
These scissors arrived in a very dirty condition due to their age and the owners were keen to know how … A 100+ year Old Scissor
I walked into the Victorian cellars in the old Whiteley factory to find a bag of metal bits and pieces, … Sally’s Blog: A missing little bit of history – Workhouse Tokens
A customer bought some old, but unused 8” scissors of ours from e-bay and immediately sent a question to us … Sally’s Blog: The Tale of the Vintage Scissors
My cousin Alan Whiteley, alongside being a consultant neurologist until recently, has been a beekeeper for many years. He loves … Sally’s Blog: Alan Whiteley – Beekeeper
Usually, women were involved in scissor making when it came to the finishing and polishing operations. They would stand in front … Sally’s Blog: Women in Manufacturing
Do you know how people personalised and identified the type of scissors in the old days? Although marking scissors might … Sally’s Blog: Marking Scissors
In 2003, Sheffield completed the building of its Winter Gardens which were the largest of its kind to be opened … Scissors for two Queens
A Pruning Knife, sometimes known as a Hawkbill Knife, is similar to a typical pocket knife but instead of a … How to use a Pruning Knife
What are pinking shears? Pinking shears, also known as pinking scissors or pinkers, are a must-have tool for anyone who … Why are pinking shears called pinking shears?
Introducing customer reviews. We have recently added the feature in our online store for you to leave reviews on the … Introducing customer reviews + complimentary gift bag